Error in log
2014-08-14 15:36:42 UTC
We are seeing the following information show up in our logs consistently with builds. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this? This error is making getting any kinda useful information out of the log impossible.

2014-08-14 11:22:26,193 [qtp692310097-27] WARN org.apache.archiva.audit.MetadataAuditListener [] - Unable to write audit event to repository: 374a611b-7e84-4ece-a469-9e15afd80c25
org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.MetadataRepositoryException: 374a611b-7e84-4ece-a469-9e15afd80c25
Caused by: javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException: 374a611b-7e84-4ece-a469-9e15afd80c25
Jonathan Sharp
2014-08-14 17:43:43 UTC
Hi Bill,

When new files are added to a repo, archiva attempts to store the audit
info for the artifacts in the metadata repository. Why the JCR
(jackrabbit?) is throwing this exception at that time, not sure exactly...
could have something to do with the audit info being added in a separate
session and how the JCR is handling requests, there is a note in the code
something like this...

The other information in your logs should still be just as usable, and
audit info should also be captured in your textual audit logs... are you
unable to work around?

Post by Graham,Bill
We are seeing the following information show up in our logs consistently
with builds. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this? This error
is making getting any kinda useful information out of the log impossible.
2014-08-14 11:22:26,193 [qtp692310097-27] WARN
org.apache.archiva.audit.MetadataAuditListener [] - Unable to write audit
event to repository: 374a611b-7e84-4ece-a469-9e15afd80c25