Rebuilding the repository
2016-09-22 15:13:55 UTC

I see lots of problems in the archiva.log that the process cannot find
some bundles:

2016-09-22 17:08:02,435 [pool-6-thread-1] ERROR
[] - failed to read bundle: b9706fc7-846b-4dab-bac3-7a734136dbf8:
2016-09-22 17:08:02,477 [pool-6-thread-1] ERROR
[] - failed to read bundle: b9706fc7-846b-4dab-bac3-7a734136dbf8:
2016-09-22 17:08:02,528 [pool-6-thread-1] ERROR
[] - failed to read bundle: b9706fc7-846b-4dab-bac3-7a734136dbf8:
2016-09-22 17:08:02,549 [pool-6-thread-1] ERROR
[] - failed to read bundle: 27c8fb7c-b9ef-4b6c-9b59-565d71f51ce5:

I expect this happened because some files were removed directly in the

This leads to two questions:

1. How can I recreate the whole repository from scratch? I tried
configuring a different location in archiva.xml, but that lead to the same

2. How can archiva be made a bit more robust? Files or directories being
deleted directly in the filesystem shouldn't confuse archiva that much
that it doesn't really revive.

Best regards
Martin Stockhammer
2016-09-23 06:48:44 UTC
Hi Marco,

a rescan (directories scanning action) does not help?

For 2: would be great if you can create a issue in the Jira.


Post by m***@mherrn.de
I see lots of problems in the archiva.log that the process cannot find
2016-09-22 17:08:02,435 [pool-6-thread-1] ERROR
2016-09-22 17:08:02,477 [pool-6-thread-1] ERROR
2016-09-22 17:08:02,528 [pool-6-thread-1] ERROR
2016-09-22 17:08:02,549 [pool-6-thread-1] ERROR
I expect this happened because some files were removed directly in the
1. How can I recreate the whole repository from scratch? I tried
configuring a different location in archiva.xml, but that lead to the same
2. How can archiva be made a bit more robust? Files or directories being
deleted directly in the filesystem shouldn't confuse archiva that much
that it doesn't really revive.
Best regards
Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.
2016-09-28 10:46:15 UTC
Hi Martin,
Post by Martin Stockhammer
a rescan (directories scanning action) does not help?
I have done that and now the server has massive load since days (the IO
connection is unfortunately very bad, so that may be the main cause).
However the problems about missing bundles still persists.
I have to recheck this with a new empty repository.

If this doesn't help, do you have an idea on how to best recreate the
repostory then?
Post by Martin Stockhammer
For 2: would be great if you can create a issue in the Jira.
OK, I will do that.

Best regards
Olivier Lamy
2016-09-29 01:13:05 UTC
Did you delete all files from the repo or only few?
I would delete all otherwise the jackrabbit db will be really corrupted!
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Hi Martin,
Post by Martin Stockhammer
a rescan (directories scanning action) does not help?
I have done that and now the server has massive load since days (the IO
connection is unfortunately very bad, so that may be the main cause).
However the problems about missing bundles still persists.
I have to recheck this with a new empty repository.
If this doesn't help, do you have an idea on how to best recreate the
repostory then?
Post by Martin Stockhammer
For 2: would be great if you can create a issue in the Jira.
OK, I will do that.
Best regards
Olivier Lamy
http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy
2016-09-29 10:50:10 UTC
Hi Olivier,

only some of them were deleted.
I will try to remove all of them and if this fixes the problem.

Best regards
Post by Olivier Lamy
Did you delete all files from the repo or only few?
I would delete all otherwise the jackrabbit db will be really corrupted!
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Hi Martin,
Post by Martin Stockhammer
a rescan (directories scanning action) does not help?
I have done that and now the server has massive load since days (the IO
connection is unfortunately very bad, so that may be the main cause).
However the problems about missing bundles still persists.
I have to recheck this with a new empty repository.
If this doesn't help, do you have an idea on how to best recreate the
repostory then?
Post by Martin Stockhammer
For 2: would be great if you can create a issue in the Jira.
OK, I will do that.
Best regards
Olivier Lamy
http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy
2016-10-10 15:28:14 UTC
Hello all,

I have now had the time to try to fix my problem.
I have stopped archiva,
then I have modified the archiva.xml to point the internal and snapshot
repositories to totally different (empty) directories.
Then I have started archiva up again.
And did a directory scan for both repositories.
However I still get lots of

2016-10-10 17:23:48,401 [pool-6-thread-1] ERROR
[] - failed to read bundle: ed7c5e19-3418-4ab1-a810-a955469969d1:

message in the log file. And they don't stop. Archiva is writing them on
and on..

Also when browing the web UI, I get the message

failed to retrieve item state of item

for the groupId I have snapshot versions of.

How can I get the database back into a consistent state?

Best regards
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Hi Olivier,
only some of them were deleted.
I will try to remove all of them and if this fixes the problem.
Best regards
Post by Olivier Lamy
Did you delete all files from the repo or only few?
I would delete all otherwise the jackrabbit db will be really corrupted!
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Hi Martin,
Post by Martin Stockhammer
a rescan (directories scanning action) does not help?
I have done that and now the server has massive load since days (the IO
connection is unfortunately very bad, so that may be the main cause).
However the problems about missing bundles still persists.
I have to recheck this with a new empty repository.
If this doesn't help, do you have an idea on how to best recreate the
repostory then?
Post by Martin Stockhammer
For 2: would be great if you can create a issue in the Jira.
OK, I will do that.
Best regards
Olivier Lamy
http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy
2016-10-16 17:44:10 UTC
Hi Marco,

unfortunately the BundleFsPersistenceManager has no option to run a
consistency check during startup. With the current archiva I see no way to
force a consistency check on the running repository.

If you use the standalone archiva, one way could be:
stop archiva
Backup <archiva_home>/repositories
Remove <archiva_home>/repositories completely
start archiva
Rescan Directories

I'm not sure, if this works and/or if this leads to other errors, but at least
with a out of the box archiva standalone the repositories directory is rebuilt
after the restart.


Post by m***@mherrn.de
Hello all,
I have now had the time to try to fix my problem.
I have stopped archiva,
then I have modified the archiva.xml to point the internal and snapshot
repositories to totally different (empty) directories.
Then I have started archiva up again.
And did a directory scan for both repositories.
However I still get lots of
2016-10-10 17:23:48,401 [pool-6-thread-1] ERROR
message in the log file. And they don't stop. Archiva is writing them on
and on..
Also when browing the web UI, I get the message
failed to retrieve item state of item
for the groupId I have snapshot versions of.
How can I get the database back into a consistent state?
Best regards
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Hi Olivier,
only some of them were deleted.
I will try to remove all of them and if this fixes the problem.
Best regards
Post by Olivier Lamy
Did you delete all files from the repo or only few?
I would delete all otherwise the jackrabbit db will be really corrupted!
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Hi Martin,
Post by Martin Stockhammer
a rescan (directories scanning action) does not help?
I have done that and now the server has massive load since days (the IO
connection is unfortunately very bad, so that may be the main cause).
However the problems about missing bundles still persists.
I have to recheck this with a new empty repository.
If this doesn't help, do you have an idea on how to best recreate the
repostory then?
Post by Martin Stockhammer
For 2: would be great if you can create a issue in the Jira.
OK, I will do that.
Best regards
Olivier Lamy
http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy
2016-10-17 06:26:23 UTC
Hi Martin,

I tried removing all repositories and then starting up archiva again, but
that lead to even more probolems. Nothing could be found in the repository
anymore and still there were lots of errors in the log. Rescanning
directories didn't help either. I had to do a totally new installation of
archiva to get rid of the errors.

Best regards
Post by Martin Stockhammer
Hi Marco,
unfortunately the BundleFsPersistenceManager has no option to run a
consistency check during startup. With the current archiva I see no way to
force a consistency check on the running repository.
stop archiva
Backup <archiva_home>/repositories
Remove <archiva_home>/repositories completely
start archiva
Rescan Directories
I'm not sure, if this works and/or if this leads to other errors, but at least
with a out of the box archiva standalone the repositories directory is rebuilt
after the restart.
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Hello all,
I have now had the time to try to fix my problem.
I have stopped archiva,
then I have modified the archiva.xml to point the internal and snapshot
repositories to totally different (empty) directories.
Then I have started archiva up again.
And did a directory scan for both repositories.
However I still get lots of
2016-10-10 17:23:48,401 [pool-6-thread-1] ERROR
message in the log file. And they don't stop. Archiva is writing them on
and on..
Also when browing the web UI, I get the message
failed to retrieve item state of item
for the groupId I have snapshot versions of.
How can I get the database back into a consistent state?
Best regards
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Hi Olivier,
only some of them were deleted.
I will try to remove all of them and if this fixes the problem.
Best regards
Post by Olivier Lamy
Did you delete all files from the repo or only few?
I would delete all otherwise the jackrabbit db will be really
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Post by Olivier Lamy
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Hi Martin,
Post by Martin Stockhammer
a rescan (directories scanning action) does not help?
I have done that and now the server has massive load since days (the
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Post by Olivier Lamy
Post by m***@mherrn.de
connection is unfortunately very bad, so that may be the main
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Post by Olivier Lamy
Post by m***@mherrn.de
However the problems about missing bundles still persists.
I have to recheck this with a new empty repository.
If this doesn't help, do you have an idea on how to best recreate
Post by m***@mherrn.de
Post by Olivier Lamy
Post by m***@mherrn.de
repostory then?
Post by Martin Stockhammer
For 2: would be great if you can create a issue in the Jira.
OK, I will do that.
Best regards
Olivier Lamy
http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy