Anonymous access to local (managed) archiva repository
Dave Brosius
2016-05-25 15:44:28 UTC

I have added a third local repository in archiva, with duplicate
settings to 'internal'.

I can upload artifacts with deploy-file just fine, and can pull them
down thru the gui when logged in.

However, this repository is not accessible anonymously like the
'internal' one is. I am at a loss as to find that setting in the gui.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Dave Brosius
2016-05-25 15:53:36 UTC
Silly me. found in.

guest user -> needs to be a repo observer for the newly added repo

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Post by Dave Brosius
I have added a third local repository in archiva, with duplicate
settings to 'internal'.
I can upload artifacts with deploy-file just fine, and can pull them
down thru the gui when logged in.
However, this repository is not accessible anonymously like the
'internal' one is. I am at a loss as to find that setting in the gui.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?