Archiva 'Find artifact' functionality
Isabelle Guimiot
2014-10-29 09:35:29 UTC
Hello everyone !

I remember there was a nice functionality in archiva 1.3.x, called "find
artifact", which could help us find jars in the whole repo, using a local
jar file and its checksum files.

Through a google request, I found this existing page in the doc:

...but it seems to be an old page, referring to archiva 1.3 .

Did you remove this function in archiva 2.x ? If yes, what is the reason ?
Will it be back in the future versions ? Or is there any other way to
easily get that kind of information ?

Thanks for your help !

Olivier Lamy
2014-10-29 10:29:14 UTC
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Hello everyone !
I remember there was a nice functionality in archiva 1.3.x, called "find
artifact", which could help us find jars in the whole repo, using a local
jar file and its checksum files.
...but it seems to be an old page, referring to archiva 1.3 .
Yes it is
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Did you remove this function in archiva 2.x ? If yes, what is the reason ?
Will it be back in the future versions ? Or is there any other way to
easily get that kind of information ?
Was done using an applet and didn't have time to migrate this page.
Currently no other way. If you need that maybe we can add a search
from checksum values. ( not sure about implementing back this applet)
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Thanks for your help !
Olivier Lamy
http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy
Isabelle Guimiot
2014-10-29 16:39:50 UTC
Hi Olivier,

Thanks for your answer. In my case, I don't really need this function in
the GUI. If you could provide a new service in your REST api, searching
from a checksum code, it would be perfect to me !

And while I think of it, do you know approximately when you will release
2.1.2 ? I know you already fixed and committed some blocker issues, but
there are still many issues open : do you think you could move some of them
in 2.1.3, and release a 2.1.2 version by the end of this year, with all the
jiras that are already closed ?

Thanks a lot !

Post by Olivier Lamy
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Hello everyone !
I remember there was a nice functionality in archiva 1.3.x, called "find
artifact", which could help us find jars in the whole repo, using a local
jar file and its checksum files.
...but it seems to be an old page, referring to archiva 1.3 .
Yes it is
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Did you remove this function in archiva 2.x ? If yes, what is the reason
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Will it be back in the future versions ? Or is there any other way to
easily get that kind of information ?
Was done using an applet and didn't have time to migrate this page.
Currently no other way. If you need that maybe we can add a search
from checksum values. ( not sure about implementing back this applet)
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Thanks for your help !
Olivier Lamy
http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy
Olivier Lamy
2014-11-02 11:37:55 UTC
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Hi Olivier,
Thanks for your answer. In my case, I don't really need this function in
the GUI. If you could provide a new service in your REST api, searching
from a checksum code, it would be perfect to me !
Yup not so complicated. Can you create a jira entry for that?
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
And while I think of it, do you know approximately when you will release
2.1.2 ? I know you already fixed and committed some blocker issues, but
there are still many issues open : do you think you could move some of them
in 2.1.3, and release a 2.1.2 version by the end of this year, with all the
jiras that are already closed ?
Sure makes sense.
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Thanks a lot !
Post by Olivier Lamy
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Hello everyone !
I remember there was a nice functionality in archiva 1.3.x, called "find
artifact", which could help us find jars in the whole repo, using a local
jar file and its checksum files.
...but it seems to be an old page, referring to archiva 1.3 .
Yes it is
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Did you remove this function in archiva 2.x ? If yes, what is the reason
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Will it be back in the future versions ? Or is there any other way to
easily get that kind of information ?
Was done using an applet and didn't have time to migrate this page.
Currently no other way. If you need that maybe we can add a search
from checksum values. ( not sure about implementing back this applet)
Post by Isabelle Guimiot
Thanks for your help !
Olivier Lamy
http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy
Olivier Lamy
http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy