Problem with setting up Active Directory authentication and groups
Chernikov, Pavel
2014-11-14 04:59:53 UTC
Hi. I'm trying to set up Archiva Active Directory authentication and group mapping.

Running into 2 problems -

1) I'm getting [[LDAP: error code 4 - Sizelimit Exceeded]] error - some kind of LDAP paging limitation, and I'm only getting 1000 users back, and that's all I see under USERS -> Manage. Does Archiva support LDAP paging? If not, any suggestions on how to proceed?

2) There aren't any groups under "LDAP Groups" in LDAP/Roles Mapping.

* I have LDAP User Manager under UserManager(s) chosen
* I have LDAP RBac Manager under RbacManager(s) chosen

Archiva.xml ldap section is as following:


<baseDn>OU=User Accounts</baseDn>

<bindDn>CN=XYZ </bindDn>


Any ideas / suggestions are appreciated.

